“I don’t see how you can look at/watch that. It gives me the creeps/makes me queasy.”

I’ve been obsessed with the morbid and macabre since i was very small.
Gore, i wanna see it. At first it was the cartoonish stuff like your classic slasher flick, but when the internet came, i wanted to look at it all. There was absolutely nothing i wouldn’t look at/watch. Sometimes it took me a few views to get through it, and some of it i watched out of the side of my face, but i looked. All the websites known for it (that shall remain unnamed here), i went there and combed through their archives.

And of course i’m obsessed with serial killers. And those who-done-it “murder porns” (thank you South Park).

I worried that there was something wrong with me.
There was, but it wasn’t me wanting to look at death and destruction. What was wrong was seeing the things i did growing up, and then being told i was imagining them, dreaming, lying, etc. I was all twisted up inside, not knowing for sure what was real and what wasn’t. Deep down, i wanted to understand and master my fears. I wanted to look at death, abuse, and suffering to see if it aligned with my memories of such things. I wanted to know if the things i remembered could have possibly happened, and one way to find evidence was to look, listen, read about other people’s experiences and memories, to see if there were commonalities.
What i found was confirmation. Mostly. At least, enough for me. There are things i knew as a child, and memories i held that most people never know about, let alone children.
And if i may, although i assure you i won’t be going into any detail, that was also some of the reason behind me viewing pornography.

I’m still fascinated by documentaries, books, and in-depth articles on the people who do horrible things and why they do them, but i’m no longer interested in looking at real life pictures or videos of those things. I still love horror movies, but i don’t watch the “torture porn” genre anymore. I’m more a fan of the ridiculous, cartoony stuff. Or a well-paced scary movie, or a good mindfuck. I’m also notorious in my family for my love of terrible movies: disasters, creature features, black and white scifi… Think Mystery Science Theatre 3000.

I think i’m always going to be a bit dark and twisty on the inside, but not in a sick and wounded way. Now it’s more of an interesting, quirky part of my personality. Just like being ridiculous and histrionic. It’s who i am, and as i mentioned a few posts back, i’m starting to like me quite a bit.
Did i develop these traits to survive, or was i born with them and they helped keep me alive? I don’t know, but i’m fine with being this way.

I’ve learned over the years to be a little more discerning, tactful and considerate when it comes to how much i share about my “dark side”. Some people are unsettled, upset, even downright offended by it, and i totally get it. I’m respectful of others’ emotional/mental/personal boundaries. And don’t get me wrong here, i don’t enjoy any real person’s suffering.
I’m not writing this to discuss the psychology behind it, either. I’ve read things, but i’m not educated, i’m just sharing who i am and how my brain works. This is me. I love Hallowe’en and scary stuff and i’m an old punk who went through a death rocker phase – which is what we called goths back in the olden days… Heh.

This save-my-life recipe (and it’s my belief that we each concoct our own), has a fuck-tonne of ingredients. Some of them are the big ones, like the flour in a loaf of bread, and some of them are a pinch of this and a dollop of that. Being able to be comfortable with pain and suffering and general twistiness, make friends with it all, and sometimes laugh my ass off at it, are all important elements. I personally think they were vital, and now, whether nature or nurture, they are parts of who i am and i embrace them.

It’s occurred to me though, that if i’m over the real life super-gore, that maybe, as i continue to learn and heal and grow, that one day i may not like any of it. I’d be fine with that too, because all this is a journey. I’m not the person i was 10yrs ago, or 5, or 2, and i don’t intend to be who i am now in a year. I’m evolving, as a friend pointed out to me today, and i intend to keep evolving as long as i’m breathing.

Really though, you’ll pry my love of everything spooky and warped from my cold, dead hands.
Heh-heh-heh. Get it?

Saw my therapist today, and i definitely wanna write about that tomorrow.
Until next post,
Peace and Love,

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